Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Teaching Situation Essay Example for Free

Teaching Situation Essay A1a. Teaching Situation The teaching situation in the video was a typical computer lab type of classroom. The tables were arranged around the perimeter of the room as well as an aisle in the middle with two long tables. Computers were placed on top of the tables with a adequate spaces in between to allow each student to have enough space to work. On the wall of the classroom there was a blackboard, as well as a LCD screen that was utilized to show the students what the teacher was doing on the teachers computer. A large wood cupboard is placed alongside of the blackboard. There is a globe and an overhead projector that is near the teachers computer and workspace. Each student is seated at their own computer. A1b. Educational Activities The student s in the video were instructed to create a summary on the computer using a word processor. First, the students reviewed the material that they had read as a group. Second, the students created a graphic organizer on the computer that showed the main ideas and supporting details of the information they had read. Finally, the students produced a summary on the computer and reviewed their summaries together as a class.A1c. Instructional Delivery The instructional delivery that the teacher presented in the video was direct instruction when she was reviewing the students reading material. Later on, the teacher employs computer assisted instruction by using the LCD panel to project her word processing example to the students. The technology that was incorporated into the lesson was a desktop computer, a word processing program, as well as an LCD panel. A2a. Level of Student Engagement During the lesson, the students were actively listening to the teachers instructions as she described what they were to do. Students used the technology in the lesson; first, by using the computer and also the word processor in order to create their own graphic organizer as the teacher instructed them to do. The students were mimicking the teachers actions by watching how she was setting up the document in the word processor. A3a. Connection Between Choice of Technology and Instructional Purpose The instructional purpose of the lesson in the video was for students to read a piece of material and then write a summary about what they had read. The observed teachers choice of using a word processor as the technology in the lesson indicates that the students were expected to practice their computer skills by using a word processor to type their summaries. The students used the technology to create a graphic organizer as a document and to type their individual summaries of the reading. A4a. Connection Between Effectiveness of Lesson Delivery and Student Use of Technology The lesson was delivered by the teacher projecting her computer screen onto the LCD panel for the students to view and follow along on their own computers. The teacher explains what she is doing for each step and allows enough time for the students to complete each step with her. The effectiveness of the lesson was to have students practice their computer skills as well as their summary skills. The students actual use of the word processor as technology prepared them for future tasks that would be required of them to complete on a word processor. A4b. Explanation of Thinking Process The thinking process that I used to come to that conclusion was based on the teachers interview where she states that the students need to learn how to use computers because the technology is becoming more and more applicable in their daily lives. The teacher was able to combine the two tasks into one by fusing their computer lesson into a reading lesson as well. Personally, I find that anytime a teacher can combine two lessons into one is using time in the classroom well. A5a. Alternative or Additional Form of Technology An additional form of technology that could be used is the computer program called paint. The program is basically a blank canvas where the user can create drawings by using their mouse or by using shapes that are in the program. The students could use paint to depict a scene from the reading. A5b. Justification of Recommendations My justification for my recommendation of using paint to depict a scene from the reading is to provide another angle for students to use their reading comprehension and apply it creatively on the computer program. Most students will find using paint fun, and wont realize that its work. By using the program Paint, it also provides an avenue for visual and tactile learners to apply their knowledge. A6a. Initial Reactions My initial reactions after viewing the use of technology in the video was impressed. Because of the obvious age of the video, I was impressed to see students using computers and word processing when computers were very expensive and not as readily available as they are today. The students were, then, experiencing cutting edge technology! What really impressed me when I viewed the video was the use of the LCD panel. I did not realize that that technology was available so early on, and it is very useful when showing pupils step-by-step instructions on a computer. A6b. Explanation of Considerations What I considered as I created ideas regarding professional implications regarding the use of technology in the classroom is that I plan on incorporating it as much as possible in my own classroom. Today especially, technology is more important than ever and a student should be familiar with technology in his or her classroom, in case that experience is not available to them at home.

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